Fruitful Day Yet
3:57 AM |
Today is a fruitful day spent. I did not just spend my time toiling on my project, I spent my time with Wei Koon & Yu Qing in outreaching. It's great!
I see how Yu Qing has sacrificed his time to do study & use his time to outreach. He absolutely sees the value of it, the outreach constantly brings him back to two months ago, when he said the first "yes" to Jesus. At the end of the day, i asked him, "Are you ashamed of proclaiming Jesus' name?" He humbly replied, "No, i am proud of it".
This brings me back to think that God is indeed moving in His people's hearts. God has blessed him with all As for his common test. His discipline speaks so much. Spending time with God at 9 in the morning, then have his own time to study. He is completing the covered topics for his exams, which wow! God has blessed him so much. I have faith he will do well. Fruitful time spent!