It's a mental challenge, not a physical one!
7:43 AM | 1 comments

Wow, i had a extremely long day today. Extremely tired after an approximately 1.5km jog at Bukit Panjang. In addition to it, i had to rush to Ang Mo Kio to shepherd Khok Yen. Then immediately after our shepherding, i quickly ran home, get a quick shower and went to work. Today, i am physically lame. I asked Joycelyn whether my "bai ka" is very blatant. She answered me with a "a bit". So, i take it as a "quite".

Today jog was profoundly life draining. I understand the whole deal about running a race. It has been 3 years since i last ran, my stamina has deteriorated. Furthermore, i am fatter than how i used to be before i took my O levels. It shows that Jesus has fed me pretty well, not just with a loaf of bread and two fishes. The whole deal about this is that, it is more than a physical race, it is a mental one. Once you tell yourself to give up, that's it. Your physical body gives way to your thoughts. I will be striving to improve, and to endure longer for the next one.

It transforms me...
10:23 AM | 0 comments

For these few days, some issues have been going around in my mind. I am getting fearful over some experiences that i went through last year. I can say just one hour ago, i am very concerned about it, i do not know how i can cope with it this year, if it were to happen again.

I talk to my shepherd just now, about it. Thank God, i know God has sent the right person to talk to me! I am so excited that i want to blog it even now, at this late hour. One phrase that he brought up, which i am actually hit by it is "net gain in the kingdom of God".

I want to do more, and stop expecting. Sometimes, frustration can take place if the things we expect do not come to pass. I am at peace with that.

Good night, everyone! :)

I love You/you more than yesterday!
3:03 AM | 0 comments

Haha. Don't misunderstand the "you". It is true that it refers to a girl, it refers to a guy too! So interesting. Brothers who are reading it, i love you as much as i can. They refer to my new contenders/favorite of the american idol! Finally back for the seventh time, the talents just keep getting better. I have taken a 6 months holiday from all the craze i have with Miss Melinda Doolittle. Now, i am back for Alaina Whitaker, and David Archuleta.

Alaina Whitaker. Simply the young Carrie Underwood. Have a country feel to songs that she sings. I extremely love her. Guess what, she is only 16 years old! For a 16 year old girl who can belt, oh my gosh, thats a rare talent. She sang "I love you more than yesterday" by Diana Ross on thursday night. It is profoundly awesome! She will be the black horse to win American Idol this year, in addition to it, i hope she will be the youngest winner ever to win, if Jordin can win last year, she can do it this year!

Here is a picture of this eye candy. :)

Next is David Archuleta. Haha. He sang "Shop Around" by an unknown singer, perhaps i can search who is the singer after this post. He has a solid mature voice, given a young age of 17. He is another one of my favorite this year. He has excellent control, charming smile and a irresistible charisma.

Here is a picture of another eye candy.

To sum everything up, "this is a season for youngsters!" Blow man!

Having said all these. Do we love God more than we do yesterday? Do we seek for God consistently everyday during our walk with God.

A lot of times, it is not that we can't use our time for leisure like for my case watching amazing race or american idol. But, are all these the masters of our life? If we are controlled by it, something is wrong. This may not be unbiblical by itself, but as we watch, we process the information we receive from the TV, and sin. Sin comes from the thoughts first, followed by the action then repercussions and consequences. Are we taking captive of our thoughts, or we want to display our emotions to people?

2 Corinthians 10:5-6
5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

Let's make every effort to make our love complete for Jesus. Be secure, do not let your thoughts run wild, it is definitely going to help us by a mile in our "race" with Jesus. Don't forget to get the strangers and the spectators to participate with you!

No lukewarm please!
8:44 AM | 0 comments

As the title suggests. This post, i will make it as short as sweet as possible. It is not going to be just a typical sharing i am going to post on this blog, it is going to be a post that has got so much depth into it, and is going to be so much more intriguing than all the posts that i have written previously.

This year, for the 2008 resolution i have set. It revolves around this verse.

Revelation 3:15-16
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Come on guys, ask yourself this question. In our whole journey with God, we always want to be at the middle, right at the center. From this verse, we clearly understand the heartbeat of God, that He desires His people to choose either to be hot and passionate for Him, or cold towards Him. What is the point telling people everywhere, "I believe in God, but i can't do much for Him, i just want to believe in Him, so i can go heaven". Please. i don't think this pleases God at all! Where is our heart for Him when we say this? Where are our priorities place in our life that God is never the first? Has someone stolen our heart away from God? Don't look at all these factors and deem it as a lecture, rather consider it that they play a very important part in causing us to remain in stagnancy, to be lukewarm.

Passion has to derive from one heart for God. If you fancy someone to an extend of you singing the song, "can't get you out of my head" by Kylie Minogue. Something is wrong, and you can't cover it up by saying, "this is my human nature". Why did i say so? It is so very simple, when you love God whole-heartedly, you won't have the room to think of having someone else in your life, unless you are really really convicted by the Holy Spirit, that when both of you come together as one, you can do so much more for the kingdom of God, and it don't please your flesh, but your Creator. i can't commend much when you don't even have a desire to grow and skip levels, to go and get married now. Generally, i look at it as one of the most unhealthy sign for teenagers like us to go missing from church.

Coming back to myself. Hui Mei and i talked on the train just now. I realized that actually i can do so much. I want to do the best for my last year in the campus. It is an either do or don't for me. It is either i believe and go all out, or don't believe and leave. Stagnancy is not an option right now. Now, i want to put all my amazing race show into a quote

'"We are running in this spiritual race to win the devil, not to take our own sweet time without a sense of urgency. There must be a holy competitiveness to do more for the sake of Jesus, and a holy discontent to grow out of all our weaknesses and shortcoming. With that, we are extremely sure of our destiny which is in heaven, which makes it worthwhile of all our determination, diligence and perseverance. During this course of race, fruits of the Spirit will be nurtured, get all the spectators and the strangers into this race with you! Our humility will be tested, and our pride will be finally put to rest, do it for the sake of God!" - Wei Hong.
This is my pledge. I will fulfill it for the rest of my life. :)

8:42 AM | 0 comments

I was wondering to myself, why are there so many people going out during valentine's day? My restaurant for consecutive 2 years, was filled up during this occasion. It is very interesting to know that, if God's love isn't in your heart, there is always room to think about your "life partner".

I watched one episode of Amazing Race Season 5. Colin & Christie, both are unscrupulous racers. Christie blocked the airport entrance to prevent Charla & Mirna from entering. Below is the picture.

I loved Colin & Christie. Plus, their dirty tricks. But, they are a wonderful couple, because somehow, both of them have a same goal in mind at that point of time, is to get Charla & Mirna out as soon as possible. I am not encouraging us to be unscrupulous or dirty, but when we want to get our spouse, we need to be very sure whether we can extend God's kingdom together or not.

5:58 AM | 0 comments

Studio project is starting tomorrow. Enjoying my last day of Chinese New Year. It has been a great new year for me. Going to Malaysia to visit my grandmother is nothing but priceless. I told my mother on the way home that even though she is closed to 70, she looks exactly the same when i saw her as a child.

On the second day of the new year, we went shopping for... ANIME. My cousin is EXTREMELY obsessed with it. We got Hell Girl, Ouran High Host Club, Spiral. We watched Hell Girl for the entire evening. However, we are listening to both Japanese and mandarin at the same time. The characters spoke in Japanese, but my aunt's nagging to stop watching is in Mandarin! LOL.

Speaking of my aunt, she is a very gifted speaker, even better than some of the professional out there. (Which is not surprising, since she works in that field too). In less than a year, she is able to earn through 2 MLM companies. With that aside, she is able to earn closed to a million dollars in 3 years. Awesome! She treated us to a restaurant with shark fins, abalone, lobster. Oh my Gosh. Just loved it! A treat once per year! Haha

Here is a picture of the lobster and me!