Love comes in a long way
7:25 PM |

I am so perplexed by what is happening around me these days. There isn't joy in me when i am serving at certain point, it becomes a burden, some extra baggage i have to carry during this spiritual race. Sometimes, it becomes a hope that i want to drop everything i have and run my own race.

Love, this word has great power. With actions, it is dangerous to the devil, as it can changes someone to turn away from their wicked ways. A lot of time, i find that i am not really stretched in accomplishing God's will for me in my life. But, when God do stretch me a little, i feel pain in me. Just like when doing stretching exercise, your goal is to use your hand to touch your toe, you ain't that flexible but God is just someone who will push you bit by bit, so that you reach your goal.